What We Do

We help business owners manage the process of finding, evaluating and obtaining the business loan they need to start, expand or refinance their business. Everything we do focuses on creating value to our clients by saving them time, money and headaches. Key benefits we provide:

Finding the Right Lender – Many lenders “offer” their services to a wide business audience but only “compete” for borrowers who meet the lender’s financing preferences. These preferences change over time and are influenced by geographies, industries, loan sizes and other borrower characteristics. We will work with you to find the lender(s) whose preferences match the profile of your business. This makes the lending process easier, more efficient and provides you with the best loan terms available.

Being a Single Point of Contact – Finding and obtaining the best business loan solution available requires exploring numerous lending options and working with various lenders.  Our clients explain their business one time, to us. We take it from there and act as your single point of contact.

Utilizing Existing Lending Relationships – It takes time to build quality lending relationships. We’ve invested in those relationships on your behalf.

Managing the Entire Loan Process – You run your business. We’ll run the entire loan loan process.

How We Do It

Understanding Your Business — Successful business lending is about listening, developing, and communicating the business’ lending story. Every lender has preferences regarding the type of stories they are interested in financing. Our team will help you craft your story and put it in front of the most receptive lending audience.
Personal Service — Technology is great. Personalized serviced combined with technology is better.
Quality Lender Network — Selecting the correct lender for your business loan is vital. The right lender will provide more than funding. The wrong one will make the easiest tasks difficult. We know this and continually refine our network to only include the lenders who truly understand the importance they play in business lending.
No Cost to You — We evaluate your business lending needs for free. No upfront fees. No deposit. Contact us now!